Christmas is over!! Why does it always go by SO fast. This year was the most magical that I can remember. We had a WHITE CHRISTMAS!! This is so so rare for Seattle (in fact it's only the 3rd white Christmas in the last 100 years!!!--what are the odds!?)
On Christmas Eve we headed down to Pike's Market-that's our usual tradition. We had family in town (my sister and brother in law as well as my little nephew) that are from Arizona and it was so fun for them to experience the snow! It started with light flurries while we were downtown and I could hardly believe it. By the time we got home, there was enough snow to dust the ground with white. Once the kids were down for the night, the grandparents stayed close to the fire and the parents got to take a walk around the neighborhood and admire the lights and the wonderful snow fall. I'm not sure this year can be topped!
Christmas morning we all woke up early (obviously with little ones). Jordan and Luke made out like bandits-a baby doll, dollhouse and mini tablet and some light up toys and little tools for Lukie man. We had our traditional breakfast burritos (with the Chorizo we scored at the Market) and entertained, sled, and played the rest of the day until dinner that night. After the kids were off to bed, we played Telestrations and 'Know ya boo' (who has seen Parks & Rec?) which were HILARIOUS and I highly recommend, ate too much apple pie and drank hot cocoa in front of a roaring fire.
The holiday season could not have been more perfect. Sad it's over but so excited to ring in the New Year and look forward to all the fun things. I'm so very very grateful and blessed for my life.
Hope you all had an amazing holiday with your loved ones!
Jaimee Lynne
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
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