Teeny Ramblers

A Blog celebrating the Teeny Ramblers of the world & and all the things that make it work

All things Fall.

Still cracks me up! Luke was only 3 weeks old!

Fall, it's my most FAVORITE time of year.  When the leaves change color and the cozy sweaters come out of storage.  Growing up in New York there was always something magical about this time of year.  Now that we live in Seattle, there will only be a few more weeks of good weather before the rain sets in so we are bound and determined to make the most of the sunshine!  Here are a few ways we are enjoying the Fall season.

P U M P K I N Patches!-There is this adorable local farm that goes all out for Halloween this time of year.  We went last year when Luke was just a few weeks old and had such a good time.  I try to find patches that have other activities for kids (and treats) because it makes the fun last that much longer.

B A K I N G!  Jordan loves to help me in the kitchen.  Because I'm a working mama, we usually don't get to bake or cook together during the week so on the weekends, it's on!  I like carrying the Friday movie night tradition on.  When I was young my mom used to let us pick out a movie every Friday night (read: rent a VHS at a STORE--!) and then snuggle in bed with her to watch with popcorn.  Tonight we plan on baking some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies together, eating waaay too much and picking a fun (but not too scary) movie to watch.

H I K I N G:  Weather permitting we love to get the kids outside.  There are ENDLESS trails and outdoorsy kinds of things to do in the PNW and I really want my kids to get a sense of adventure and love of outdoors growing up.  The colors can't be beat in the Fall and we will definitely be trying to get up to Mount Rainier to take advantage.

P A R T I E S:  We love a good reason to dress up and while we try not to over book ourselves during the weekends, we really look forward and will take any excuse to celebrate or get dressed up.  We have birthday parties and a pumpkin painting party of our own in the works and it helps to make the season much more exciting.

D E C O R A T I N G:  Although we don't go completely overboard until the week prior to Halloween, Jordan loves when I drag out the holiday bins.  It keeps her busy for a good hour going through all the decorations and helping me decide where to put it all!

A Few Friday Faves:

*We LOVE this small shop company for ALL the spooky clothes!

*We saw this book on garvinandco.com and gave it a try, we love it and bonus there is a new Disney show dedicated to Vampirina (with a catchy intro song as well)

*Big fans of Meri Meri over here and there amazing selection of fun party stuff!

We also love scouting our area for festive donuts (Krsipy Kreme has a great selection of Spooky treats!)

What are your plans to celebrate the most wonderful time of year!? Happy October!

Jaimee Lynne

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